英语拼读动画片《单词世界word world》(全52集)是一部英语启蒙动画片。本来是美国电视台播放给4-6岁的孩子学习单词所用,也适合国内的孩子使用哦(小学生甚至中学生),同时也非常适合我们大人学习英语听力使用。这些专业的英语动画比电影更能学习英语,因为发音清晰,口语化,适合入门级的英语学习人士。

《单词世界word world》这个动画画面中的小动物、物品很多都是由单词组成的,即使没有中文字幕也能猜出来什么意思,非常有新意哦~是学习类的动画片。

01 the race to mystery island.avi
02 a star is born.avi
03 back on track.avi
04 the rainbow birthday cake.avi
05 a kooky spooky halloween.avi
06 sheep’s halloween costume.avi
07 runaway o.avi
08 happy birthday,dog!.avi
09 there’s an ant in every giant.avi
10 chef sheep.avi
11 rocket to the moon.avi
12 the birds.avi
13 the mystery of the disappearing pie.avi
14 duck’s family reunion.avi
15 sh-sh-shark!.avi
16 dog wants to play ball.avi
17 pies,pies,pies.avi
18 waterlogged.avi
19 dog’s camping adventure.avi
20 v is for vacation.avi
21 snug as a bug.avi
22 nightlight.avi
23 duck’s first sleepover party.avi
24 one hat fits all.avi
25 dancing dog.avi
26 pig’s big moonlight feast.avi
27 boppin’s with the bug band.avi
28 shuffleword.avi
29 w drought.avi
30 princess sheep.avi
31 radio read-a-thon.avi
32 robots to the rescue!.avi
33 pl-pl-plane.avi
34 mail mix up.avi
35 pig’s present.avi
36 tick tock space clock.avi
37 castles in the sea.avi
38 get your coat.avi
39 superhero sheep.avi
40 pirate ship.avi
41 playing spies.avi
42 wee little whale.avi
43 the christmas star.avi
44 a christmas present for dog.avi
45 bit by bit.avi
46 ride’em,cowbear!.avi
47 play ball!.avi
48 m is for map.avi
49 flying ant.avi
50 the dancing duck bonanza.avi
51 the lost letter L.avi
52 catch that C!.avi