小企鹅PORORO主要是描述在一座被冰雪覆盖又与世隔绝的森林里住着一群可爱的小动物,主角是一只充满好奇心又淘气的小企鹅PORORO,以及他的好朋友们,里面有胆小又害羞的海狸‘露比’、纯真自然的大白熊‘波比’和有点自以为是又爱管闲事的红狐狸‘艾迪’等, 这些好朋友们都有自己独特的个性和不同的兴趣,相处过程中有时会有争吵,有时又会发生很多有趣的事,非常适合刚学英语的小宝进行英语启蒙。

│ 01_Hello, Friends.mp4
│ 02_Petty_s House.mp4
│ 03_Learning How to Swim.mp4
│ 04_the Photographer.mp4
│ 05_It_s a dinosaur!.mp4
│ 06_Sailing in the Forest.mp4
│ 07_My Name is .mp4
│ 08_I Love Singing.mp4
│ 09_Crong the Great Painter.mp4
│ 10_A Pretty Hair Pin.mp4
│ 11_I Can Fly.mp4
│ 12_I Envy You.mp4
│ 13_The Biggest Snowman.mp4
│ 14_ You Are So Cool.mp4
│ 15_ Shrunk.mp4
│ 16_Shark !.mp4
│ 17_Crong_s First Word.mp4
│ 18_Shhh! It_s a Secret.mp4
│ 19_Who Did This .mp4
│ 20_The Cook of Genius.mp4
│ 21_Thanks.mp4
│ 22_I Am Not a Bed-Wetter.mp4
│ 23_I_m Super.mp4
│ 24_.mp4
│ 25_ on the Moon.mp4
│ 26_Meets with a Seal.mp4
│ 27_My Toy Fellas.mp4
│ 29_Scary cookies.mp4
│ 30_Finding toy.mp4
│ 31__s secret friend.mp4
│ 32_Don_t do that!.mp4
│ 33_No more troubles!.mp4
│ 34_You are not alone!.mp4
│ 35_Beautiful color land.mp4
│ 36_ likes me the most.mp4
│ 37_ disappeared.mp4
│ 38 the Magician.mp4
│ 39_Friends from Outer Space.mp4
│ 40_Snowball ghost.mp4
│ 41_The Dragon comes to town.mp4
│ 42_.mp4
│ 43_Pig .mp4
│ 44_A Snowy Day.mp4
│ 45_Is sick .mp4
│ 46_Do you need any help .mp4
│ 47_A Piece of Cake.mp4
│ 48_ cook.mp4
│ 49_What_s this smell .mp4
│ 50_Return of Robot cook.mp4
│ 51_Viruses are following me.mp4
│ 52_Watch out .mp4
│ Ending theme song.mp4
│ Opening theme song.mp4
│ other.mp4
02_Everything looks amazing.mp4
03_ is born.mp4
04_Happy .mp4
05_Toy plane.mp4
06_ the magician.mp4
07_I want to be a super hero.mp4
08_Mighty .mp4
09_Catch the big fish.mp4
10_It_s my toy.mp4
11_Princess .mp4
12_Strange soccer.mp4
13_Watch out, Eddy!.mp4
14_Cooking trouble.mp4
15_Clumsy magician.mp4
16_Weather forecast.mp4
18_s present.mp4
19_Play with .mp4
20_Flying .mp4
21_Petty the red riding hood.mp4
22_Baseball star, .mp4
23_Playful .mp4
24_Petty and .mp4
25_Mischievous wind.mp4
26_ is missing.mp4
27__s doll.mp4
28_Singing Passion.mp4
29_Amazing Magic Wand.mp4
30_You_re .mp4
31_Night Wonders.mp4
32_Where Did The Ball Go .mp4
33_Toy .mp4
34_Scribble Fun.mp4
35_Crong and the Shooting Star.mp4
36_Got a Cold.mp4
37_Strange Games.mp4
38_Best Friends.mp4
39__s Birthday.mp4
40__s Song.mp4
41_Cloning Machine.mp4
42_Cleaning Trouble.mp4
43_Strange Adventure 1.mp4
44_Strange Adventure 2.mp4
45_Sled Race.mp4
46__s Dream.mp4
47_Magic Potion 1.mp4
48_Magic Potion 2.mp4
49_Fun Picnic.mp4
51_Snowy Day.mp4
52_Wonderful Playground.mp4
Opening Theme Song_ENG.mp4